
  • Every five years, the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) reviews the latest science on first aid and resuscitation and updates treatment recommendations as necessary. Following the latest changes released in October 2015, the National First Aid Working Group reviewed the recommendations, agreed upon a consistent interpretation and established guidelines for Canada.
  • What do you think about the Swim Patrol and National Lifeguard programs?
  • Planning is crucial when welcoming groups of children at the pool and at the beach. Some of these children will not know how to swim, so you will need to pay special attention to them. Here is some advice on how to welcome groups of children.
  • If you work on a beach, or have friends or family with whom you enjoy the waters on their boat, having a Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) could prove extremely useful.
  • The International Life Saving Federation (ILS) recently issued new regulations for lifesaving sport competitions.
  • Date : Saturday 19 at 7 h 30 p.m.

    Where :

    Aqua complexe,
    1380, rue Montplaisir,
    Drummondville (Québec) J2C 0M6,

  • It is now time to register for the Lifesaving Society's Forum annuel!
  • The Lifesaving Society is proud to present its brand-new Web platform! This new site is more than just different colours and an attractive design; content has also been reorganized in a way that allows users to know what our fields of expertise are, and to quickly see what courses and services we offer.
  • The Lifesaving Society wants to know you better! Tell us your best anecdotes about working as a lifeguard.
